Making money easily while traveling to Canada

February 27, 2017 • Budget Travel • Views: 3747

If you’ve been thinking about traveling to Canada, you’re probably aware that it’s a massive country with a huge range of things to see. And you’re probably going to need longer than you think when you’re travelling through this vast country.

For this reason, you may need to think carefully about your budget. There are a number of ways you can make money while you’re traveling to Canada, and this will allow you to travel for longer and do the thing you really want to do while you’re there.

 Here are some top tips for making money easily while traveling to Canada:


Get a working holiday visa

If you’re lucky enough to be from a country that has a reciprocal visa arrangement with Canada, you may be able to apply for a Youth Mobility Visa. This will allow you to stay for between one and two years (depending on your country) and you can get pick up work in Canada. This is one of the best ideas if you’re planning to travel long-term, since you can easily switch from city to city as you make your way around the country, picking up short-term work, and meeting the locals while you’re there.

 Play online

This seems weird- after all, how can you possibly make money while you’re playing online? Luckily, if you have some free time you can visit bettingtop10 and find what is the best website to place a bet on. There are so many great websites where you can use your downtime wisely to both have fun, and potentially make enough money to keep your travel fund with enough cash that you can see everything that Canada has to offer.

 Create a side hustle

There are numerous ways for you to create a side hustle that will allow you to work part time and still have plenty of time free to travel and relax. This will probably be something you’ll need to get started before you arrive, but it could pave the way for you to work completely remotely and travel full-time.

 In order to create a side hustle, you’ll need to think seriously about the skills you have that you can use to work from anyway. If you’ve been working a 9-5, can you use any of these skills to launch your own business? Maybe you could take your software development skills and begin working freelance, or do the same with your writing or design skills. Maybe you can also consider launching a travel blog (potentially focused on Canada) and use it for affiliate sales, travel partnerships, and more.

 Get creative

Do you have anyone on your Facebook who lives in Canada? Send them a message to see if they can help you out and give you some personal tips for ways you can keep yourself afloat while you’re travelling. This may open up some good options that you may not have thought about.

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