How to do a Spring Clean of Your Home No Matter the Season

October 5, 2021 • Real Estate • Views: 3111

I’m a big fan of doing a spring clean, but I don’t wait until spring to spruce up my house and office. I like to do a spring clean a few times a year, whenever I notice my house getting out of hand. I also will do a big clean out before I move, ensuring that I’m only taking my favourite things with me. Moving can be a bit challenging, so you might want to consider a crane mat to purchase to help you with the move.  If you’re planning a big clean out but not sure where to start, here are my tips of how to do a spring clean of your home no matter the season:

1. Work One Space at a Time
If you try to do the whole house at once, chances are you are going to quickly feel overwhelmed. I suggest starting in a place that’s smaller and working your way up. You’re going to want to ask yourself if you still currently use the thing that you’re considering clearing out. If you haven’t used it in the past six months and it’s not something seasonal, chances are you don’t really need it at all. That being said, you will still need to clean this room at some point, or get someone like these Nashville house cleaners out to tackle it for you if you don’t want to.

2. Do a Garage Sale
They say one man’s trash is another’s treasure and I’m sure you’ve got lots of hidden treasures in your home that other people will appreciate. You can talk to friends and family to see if someone else would like to join your garage sale. It’s a great way to save some money by earning cash for things you’re no longer using. It’s also a great way to ensure your previously loved things are finding new homes.

3. Get Organized
If you have managed to clear out a bunch of stuff, but feel that everything is still out of order, you’re going to want to invest some time and maybe some money to make things more organized. One thing that I find that helps me organize my house properly, is drawer dividers! I love using them in various places around the home, from the drawers in my kitchen right through to the drawers in my bathroom and closet. It just helps me make everything more organized.

4. Do a Deep Clean
It’s so important to give your home a deep clean at least a few times a year. There are places in your home where it may not make sense to clean deeply every week, but it definitely needs to be done. Some areas that might need a little extra attention include inside your oven, your bathroom and especially your shower. I even like to give my closets a deep clean while I’m sorting through all my clothes. Sometimes closets can have a mould build up which is not only unhealthy, but can make clothes small funky. Mould can also attract unwanted visitors from outside into your home – should you ever need some form of termite control, you should call in the professionals, as they will have the knowledge and equipment to be able to safely rid your home of the pests. Doing a deep clean once everything’s cleared out and organized means you’ll be be better able to clean your home. Whether you need to clear out the waste in your property, by using a company like this one or you are interested in there are so many options for ensuring your home and work space are as clean as possible.

Spring has recently come and gone, but if you’re in the mood for a spring clean don’t let the season hold you back!

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