How to get more out of life in 2019

December 26, 2018 • Travel Tips • Views: 2300

Can you guys believe that 2019 is just a few days away? I don’t know about you, but one of my biggest resolutions is to truly squeeze all of the enjoyment I can out of 2019. After 2018, I think we’re all owed a great year.

If you’re on the same page, here are some ways you can get more out of life in 2019:

Take more holidays

Yup, you read that right. When was the last time you used all of your holiday days? And it doesn’t count if you were in touch with your boss, colleagues, or clients while you were away. Now’s the time to begin planning your trips for 2019, so go on a holiday to Kefalonia, take a safari in Africa or cruise around the Caribbean. Whatever you choose, make sure you take plenty of time to rest and recharge throughout the year.


Remove toxic people

We all have toxic people in our lives. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get wrapped up in their meanness, when you should really just cut them out of your life. This can be easier said than done, but why not make 2019 the year that you evaluate the people who are making your life better and the people who are making it worse? This doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing scenario. If you can’t completely remove these people from your life, be sure to set up some tough boundaries regarding how they can and can’t make you feel.  

Set big goals

Often we’re scared to set big goals because they feel slightly out of reach, and what if we don’t meet them? But that kind of talk is for weenies. Instead, spend some time thinking about what you’d like to achieve in 2019. In one year, you’ll be looking back at 2019 and evaluating it the same way you’re evaluating 2018. What do you want to have achieved? What would you be most proud of? Write your goals down, and set up actionable, measurable ways to make them happen.

Learn to relax

Most of us are constantly on the move, and it can be difficult to relax when we’re always thinking about family, work, friends, and finances. Unfortunately, this can lead to anxiety, poor sleep, and the kind of decisions where you think ‘what was I thinking?’ Make 2019 the year you take time to rest, relax, and recharge throughout the year.

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