The Giants Causeway is one of Ireland’s most recognisable and internationally renowned sites of natural beauty. The Causeway consists of a collection of roughly 40,000 interlinked columns of basalt. It juts out from the Irish coast making it visible for miles along the coastline. Scientists have dated the rocks that comprise the causeway to be some 60 million years old. The Giants Causeway takes its name from the longstanding myth that it was created by angry giants throwing rocks into the sea, although modern science suggests it was, in fact, caused by rapidly cooling lava.
You may wonder exactly how a collection of rocks could possibly be of interest to anyone other than geologists, however the Causeway is a beautiful place to visit and there is much to see and do. There is a Giants Causeway tour that every visitor to Ireland should consider, below are just some of the reasons you should visit the area, and some of the things you can do with and without a tour group.
A Beautiful Coastal Walk
Most visitors to the Causeway opt to take the short and easy route in order to see the sights. However, for those who are a little more adventurous, there is another coastal path that offers beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding cliffs and the rolling hills and fields of the Antrim landscape. Near to the Causeway there is also the Amphitheatre and the Organ. The Organ is another collection of columns of old rocks which tower over the surrounding bay.
A Unique Photo Opportunity
The Giants Causeway has become a favourite spot for photographers looking to show something unique, and the landscape of surrounding Antrim definitely fits the bill. The unique rock formations of the causeway, a result of its volcanic geological past, are particularly photogenic, especially near the bay where there are a series of hexagonal rock formations.
Take an Award Winning Tour
For those who would like a history lesson while they explore, there are renowned Giants Causeway day tours from Belfast. While exploring the Giants Causeway on your own is a wonderful experience, first time visitors might appreciate the sprinkling of knowledge and local history that this award winning tour adds to the mix. Knowledgeable tour guides with a genuine passion for the Causeway and its history will ensure a memorable trip.
There are also a number of other historic sites and buildings in the surrounding area and you can explore these too as part of the tour, including Carrickfergus Castle, an exceptionally well preserved 12th century Norman castle. There are a number of myths surrounding the causeway and how it came to be the way it is. For many people, these myths embody the Irish approach to folklore and storytelling, and for those who aren’t from Ireland, hearing these myths relayed in the beautiful, soft tones of a true Irish accent adds to the magic of the place.
The Giants Causeway remains one of Ireland’s most proud attractions and once there it will quickly become clear why the site attracts some 600,000 visitors every year.