Money, money, money

March 28, 2020 • Budget Travel • Views: 5363

Going away on holiday seems to be all money, money, money, don’t you find? If you’re not paying it out for something, you’re having to figure out how to change it into a different currency, and by the end of it you’ve got pound signs in your eyes. Of course, the pay-off is more than worth it for the things you get to see and experience, but currency exchange rates can be more than a little confusing, not to mention the rather uneasy feeling you get when you’re constantly paying out for things.

Despite that, there are certain things which you don’t mind paying out for, because they add convenience and fun to your time away, so it’s worth every penny. One thing I find certainly worth it is paying an airport hotel and starting my break a night earlier. This has many advantages, not least making travel day much easier on the stress levels, as well as giving you a rested night’s sleep to start your day on. You’ll find many airport hotels at large UK airports, as well as the smaller, more regional ones too, such as the great value Liverpool Airport hotels on offer. It’s simply a case of checking out what’s available at your departure airport, but in terms of worthwhile extras, this is certainly one.


Booking a holiday might seem all give, give, give, but you get major benefit whilst you’re there, don’t forget! Of course, we mentioned currency exchange, and if you’re not particularly mathematically minded, or your simply don’t understand exchange rates, then it can be a minefield to navigate. Basically, ask someone in the know if you’re not sure, that’s the best advice to give.

If you’re looking at a rate against the pound, you need to be getting more of the other currency for just one pound. For example, 3 euros to the pound is better than 1.5 euros to the pound etc. It’s a good idea to watch the rate in the weeks leading up to your departure, and to jump when it’s at its highest, giving you more for your money. Obviously currencies are different depending on which of the many holiday destinations you choose, so that is the first thing you need to research!


Another tip with currency is that it’s usually best to wait until you’re in resort to change the bulk of your money, because the rate is generally higher. Again, do a bit of research, but on the whole, taking just a little of the currency to get you through the first few days and then changing the rest over there, is the best idea. Pre-paid currency cards which can be bought through travel agencies are also a popular option and can usually be used at cashpoints overseas.

If money is blowing your mind in the time leading up to your summer break, focus on the positives – you’ll soon be on that beach sipping an ice cold drink, and it will all be worth it.

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