Travel Tales

  • June 28, 2021 • Essay, Travel Tales • Views: 43004

    The Best Travel Experience Essay Ever

    Over the past seven years, I’ve been lucky enough to live and travel in many different countries. This has meant that I’ve regularly had experiences that other people dream of. When I think about my best travel experience ever, so many...

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  • November 22, 2020 • Travel Tales • Views: 2574

    V2 Vaporizer Benefits And Liquidizer

    What makes Wax Liquidizer different from other vaporizers? Wax Liquidizer is not made of glycerin, VG, THC, nicotine, or vitamin E. It contains a proprietary formula that produces a cool and tasty, high-quality e-liquid that you can keep...

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  • October 22, 2020 • Travel Tales • Views: 2511

    4 Ways to Get Prepared for the Holidays

    The holidays are my absolute favorite time of year, but the truth is they can be a little stressful, too. This year is a different kind of holiday with everything that’s going on, but a little more preparation can ensure that it is...

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  • October 21, 2020 • Travel Tales • Views: 1498

    How To Make The Most Out Of Your Free Time When Home...

    When you are home alone, getting bored is just normal. But worry not as much as there are a lot of things you can do to make your home alone moment fruitful and happy. Tips To Make Your Home Alone Experience Productive Just before you...

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  • March 3, 2020 • Travel Tales • Views: 2868

    Ways to Avoid Problems When Hosting a House Party

    It’s an excellent idea to throw a house party. Everyone will feel at home. You can do whatever you want, and take as much time as you wish. The problem is that you could end up disturbing your neighbours. You might also fail to prepare...

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  • June 18, 2019 • Travel Tales • Views: 12840

    3 Tips for Traveling With Your Pets

    There’s a good chance at some point in your life you’re going to want to travel with your pets. Whether it’s because you’re moving across the country, to a new country, or just wanting to involve your pets in your...

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  • May 30, 2019 • Travel Tales • Views: 3787

    Top ways to improve your life in 2019

    In less than two weeks, 2019 will officially be here. I don’t know about you guys, but I always use this time of the year to figure out what I’m happy with in my life, what I’m unhappy with, and how I can improve my life the...

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  • May 30, 2019 • Travel Tales • Views: 2727

    Fun ways to get fit in 2019

    I don’t know about you guys, but one of my main goals for 2019 is to finally get back in shape. I’ve gone from being able to do 100 pushups, to not being able to climb a small incline without huffing and puffing- it’s sad. If this...

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  • April 14, 2019 • Travel Tales • Views: 3382

    How to have more fun in 2019?

    Life should be fun, right? But unfortunately, we tend to get so wrapped up in the day-to-day responsibilities of life that it can be easy to forget to actually enjoy it. Pay more attention to yourself and dear people around you, cherish...

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  • December 19, 2018 • Travel Tales • Views: 3421

    Reasons To Volunteer Abroad

    If you have never considered volunteering abroad before, it is definitely something that everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. Not only do you get to do your bit for society but you will meet some incredible people and see...

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