Common Problems Landlords Face And What To Do About Them

January 11, 2022 • Real Estate • Views: 826

Initially, and without first-hand knowledge, being a landlord seems to be a simple job. The tenant pays the rent, the landlord pays the mortgage, and there should be a profit left over. When the mortgage is paid off, the landlord owns an asset that they can continue to make money from, either through rent or through selling it. It all sounds terrific when it’s put like this. 

However, although this is the landlord’s dream, it’s not always how it turns out. In fact, there are several different problems that landlords face making the entire job much harder than most people would imagine. Here are some of the biggest problems to look out for and what to do about them. 

Photo by Jessica Bryant from Pexels

Lack Of Tenants 

It does happen from time to time. You’re ready to give away the keys to your home to anybody who wants them, and it seems like no one cares.

The rental market has ups and downs in demand, much like the other financial markets. When it comes to finding a place to rent, the time of year may have a significant impact. For example, you could find yourself without a tenant in the middle of the winter since people prefer to move more often in the spring and summer.

If you can’t get long-term tenants, why not consider finding short-term ones? With Airbnb and other similar sites, it is now possible to earn a lot of money from short-term rentals. They might only last a few days, but it’s money that you can put toward your mortgage. Airbnb management services take care of all the details so you don’t have to. You can simply sit back and wait for the money to start rolling in.

Problem Tenants 

Every now and again, a landlord will have a tenant that is a complete pain in the neck. Renters who are difficult to deal with are a part of the experience of renting out a property, whether it’s because of nonpayment of rent or disputes with the neighbors. Even if you know this happens to many landlords at one time or another, it doesn’t help that you’re currently having to deal with troublesome tenants that mean you need to have a house meth test when they leave, for example. 

When it comes to a tenant’s rights, be aware of what you can and cannot do. Don’t hesitate to begin eviction procedures if they haven’t paid rent or are causing you excessive worry; that person who doesn’t seem to have their life together isn’t the reason you purchased an investment. You purchased it to make money, and that’s what you need to focus on. Having the home unoccupied for a few months is preferable to having someone who is more bother than they are worth living there.

The Aftermath

Most tenants will regard your house as if it were their own, and if there are some minor damages, you won’t have to worry about being out of pocket since their deposit will cover these small issues. But on the other hand, you may have renters who decide to leave your property unexpectedly and without informing you, leaving nothing but chaos behind that you have to clear up – this is time-consuming and expensive. 

To avoid this, it’s a good idea to make a written request each month for access to the property. This provides you the opportunity to catch any issues before they get out of hand and maybe even remove tenants who are causing you and your property unnecessary damage. This is the ideal strategy to prevent a long list of difficulties when they ultimately move on.

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