Once you have children, your perfect idea of a holiday might change. After all you want to find something that’s going to keep them happy and entertained, while also ensuring you plenty of time to enjoy the trip with them. Just because you’ve had kids doesn’t mean that the vacations need to slow down, if anything I think it’s even more important to go away together as a family once children are part of your lives so you can create those special family memories. Here are my top 3 great holiday ideas for traveling with kids:
1. Hit Up the Beach
It’s like some universal rule that all children love being by the ocean. For younger children, all you need to do is invest in some cheap beach toys, such as a bucket and shovel, and they’ll literally play for hours. I personally love beach trips as a family because you’re close to the ocean, and nature is your entertainment meaning you wont spend as much money on a beach holiday as other types of trips. If you’re wanting to do a beach holiday on a budget, I suggest renting an Airbnb or property where you can self cater at least a few meals a day, pack a picnic with you for your lunch and spend the day at the beach watching your children run up and down the sand, splash in the water and build castles out of sand.
2. Consider a Cruise
I love going on a cruise for a few reasons – firstly I think it’s one of the more relaxing holidays you can go on, because you don’t have to lug your stuff around you from hotel to hotel. You arrive, unpack and enjoy your cruise before packing to go home. This makes it easier with children. If your children are younger, then a cruise might be the perfect solution for you because you can more closely follow your normal nap routine from home, compared to a normal trip when you’re out and about all day every day. Many cruises also offer kid’s clubs and other activities to keep children over a certain age entertained, meaning that the parents can escape for a little and have some relaxing adult time on their holiday too.
3. An Adventure Holiday
Choosing an adventure holiday for your family is an exciting type of holiday because you’re going to do some things you don’t usually do. These types of holidays are generally best suited to older children, but you can also have more family members come away with you so you have more help with younger children. You could rent a villa in the mountains during winter, to act as your perfect base to the mountains for a skiing holiday. You might all want to go snorkel in the Caribbean and thus chartering a boat or staying somewhere like the British Virgin Isles would be your best option. There are so many options for adventure holidays, ensuring that there’s the perfect option out there for your family.
Travel is one of the best gifts you can give your children as it’s the perfect way to create special memories together. If you’re in the market for a new holiday home or a new home, click here to shop better gardens.