Have your backpack packed, passport in hand, and ready to go see the world? Avoid these travelling traps to maximize your experience on your next trip.
Sleeping In
Yes, you’re not in the real world. Yes, the luxury to sleep the morning away is a delicious temptation. We know sleeping in is a rare opportunity. But you know what else is a rare opportunity? Being in a brand new place you’ve never explored before. Don’t waste a single minute. In the long run, you won’t remember those extra hours of sleep. You will remember everything you experienced with the extra hours you added to your adventures by setting your alarm a little earlier. Plus, you’ll beat the crowds of (lazier) tourists, and experience the city in the beauty of morning light.
Trying to Look Cool
Every hostel has one. The guy who isn’t a tourist but a “traveller.” Who refuses to take pictures and thinks the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, and Stonehenge are all “overrated.” I have bad news – no matter how you decide to label yourself, if you’re not from a place, you’re not going to pass as a suave local. You may as well give yourself permission to enjoy the wonders of wherever you find yourself without stressing about “blending in” or “looking cool.” Chances are, as long as you’re not rude or in the way, proud locals will be grateful you’ve taken the time to appreciate their home. So dive in head first.
Letting Your Budget Bind You
Staying on a budget, especially for backpackers, is important. We’re not suggesting financial irresponsibility by any means. Still, money management can ruin your trip if you let it rule your life. If there’s an adventure you know you’ll regret not trying, but the cost is a little steep, do it anyway. Buy yourself a really good restaurant meal every once in awhile. Buy that beautiful souvenir you know you wouldn’t be able to get at home. In the end, money can always be earned again. Choose your indulgences wisely, but don’t let you budget-concerns keep you from having an enjoyable, full experience.
Irreversible Itineraries
Having a vague plan is good. Knowing your must-sees in advance helps guarantee you’ll have a fulfilling experience. But don’t feel you have to plan out every minute of your trip. Leave yourself open to possibilities, because life – and some of the best travel memories- are what happen when you’re busy making other plans. If you get invited to a local’s home for a meal, you’re going to want the flexibility to go. Same goes if you meet a group of interesting new hostel friends heading to a fascinating destination you’d never heard of. Or if you stumble on a street festival. Don’t tie yourself to an itinerary so you can go explore anything that comes your way.
Being Bad to Your Body
Your body is your vehicle on this adventure, which means its in your best interest to take care of it. Drink plenty of water, eat some green things, and maybe don’t party like a rockstar every night. The last thing you want is to have your body breakdown in the middle of your trip, so give it the care and respect it deserves!