Sick Of The Same Old Holiday? Try Something New

November 24, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 3179

It’s easy to fall into a safe routine with your holidays, and before you know it you’ve been to the same destination for five years straight. Why not plan something different, see something new and broaden your horizons. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Tired of the same old beach holiday? Then try something more active. Holidays can be about doing things as well as doing nothing. You can embark on a cycling holiday through Laos or a hike across Tibet. Or, if you fancy something more adrenalin fueled you can float the white rapids of the Zambezi. The best thing is there are tour operators who can organise all of this for you, leaving you with nothing to worry about bar getting fit before the holiday.

If you feel like seeing a few different places throughout your holiday then there’s nothing better than a cruise. Depending on what cruise you take you could be waking up to a different city each day. All the while enjoying five-star treatment and entertainment on your floating hotel. There are a few things to know before booking your first cruise, but don’t worry tour operators offer a wealth of knowledge. They completely vary too; you could sail the coasts of Spain, Italy and France, or venture to Asia for an oriental experience like none other. Better still, if you can’t quite leave your sun-drenched holidays behind, jump on a cruise to the Caribbean. So, why not book a cruise today!


How about going right into the middle of nowhere, experiencing something like never before. A trip across the silk road of Uzbekistan, or a week in the wilds of Finland’s Taiga forest. If you really fancy you could spend a week exploring the rainforest of Costa Rica. They aren’t for the faint of heart, but they’ll make for the trip of a lifetime.

Of course, some of these holidays are expensive. Some require a guide, and many are laced with various transport links. So to get the best deals you absolutely need to shop around. There are many holiday comparison sites to use. But you should also try calling into your local travel agents, its non-committal and they can offer you some great advice.

Travelling is the ultimate experience. If you’re looking to get away for months at a time nothing can be better than planning a round trip. Travelling opens the mind and provides you with a unique look at the rest of the world. Just remember to pre plan everything you do, you can use a journey planner to get you started. It can be best to travel various regions at a time to save on airfare, for example travel all of Europe before heading down to the African coast. Be ruthless with your budgeting, you don’t want to be caught short half way through your trip because you bought a few too many souvenirs

Holidays really do provide us with eye opening experiences. They give us memories to treasure for life and share with our friends and families. Don’t get stuck in a rut, try something new and broaden your horizon.

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