Have You Been Traveling Blind? Open Your Eyes By Visiting These Amazing Destinations

January 23, 2017 • Travel Tips • Views: 3847

We all know that travel can open your eyes. The process of experiencing new cultures is enough to change the way you view the world. Even so, some countries have more impact than others. The way you travel also affects the amount of impact each location will have. There’s nothing wrong with going away to seek the sun and enjoy some beach time. Even so, traveling in that way is unlikely to make a difference to your view. If you like to immerse yourself in culture, you’re more likely to have life changing experiences. But, where can you go to get the most of the experience? For the most part, it depends on what you’re after. Every country has its appeal. We’ve tried to come up with a list of the countries that seem to have the most impact on the people that visit them.



There’s a reason Thailand is such a popular gap year destination. This is a country that can open your eyes to so many things. As with anything, the amount you get out of your stay depends on how much effort you put into your trip. You need to go out and seek experience! Make the most of your visit by taking the time to learn a little of the language. The locals are what make any destination worth visiting. Take the chance to talk to as many people as you can. The more locals you speak with, the more idea you’ll have of the must-visit destinations! Take time, too, to visit the many Buddhist temples in the country. You could book a short meditation retreat to expand your mind even further! Take time, too, to explore the rainforests that border the country. These are sure to be unlike anything you’ve ever seen. There’s even the chance of sighting one of Thailand’s tribes! You could take your exploration even deeper by getting to grips with the scuba diving in Thailand. What better way to take your experience to a new level than going underwater?


The next bucket list worthy destination is Japan. The further from your everyday experience a country is, the more it’ll have to teach you. And, let’s be honest, you can’t get much further than what you know than Japan. The productivity mecha of the world, life in Japan has a lot to teach any of us. The efficiency in Japan is the thing that you’ll notice first. Everything in the country is a smoothly oiled machine to achieve maximum productivity. The way of life is admirable in every way. Head to the country’s capital, Tokyo, to experience the effect at its best. But, it’s not just productivity a trip here will teach you. Many people who visit Japan say that they learned a lot about being polite during their stay. Politeness is a coveted skill in Japan, and locals go above and beyond to stay polite. From thanking people when they see them, to giving detailed directions, the level of politeness is incredible! Not to mention the weird and wonderful destinations you could visit during your stay. What other country boasts of cat cafes and rabbit islands? Japan is one that will make you see the world in a different way!



This list wouldn’t be complete without mention of Brazil. Many people associate the country with violence and danger. While there are areas you wouldn’t want to stray to; you’ll miss out on a lot if you avoid a trip here. We’ll start the must-see list with a mention of Christ the Redeemer. This 98-foot tall statue of Christ stands watch over Rio De Janeiro. No visit to Brazil would be complete without visiting this one! If trekking up mountains in scorching heat isn’t your idea of fun, there’s no need to worry. The statue is so big, you’ll be able to see it from a distance! Even so, nothing will show you the sheer size as well as being up close. Take the time to visit if you can! There’s plenty of natural exploration to make the most of during your stay, too. Brazil has amazing natural experiences for any visitor. Take time to visit the Amazon River while you’re there! Take the time, too, to visit some of the country’s waterfalls. Iguacu Falls is one of many worth seeing. You could also visit Pantanal Wetlands. Stretching over 200,000 km’s, this is the world’s largest wetlands! Make sure you take the time to see it while you’re there! This is just a dip in the ocean of the amazing sights you could see during your stay. Do some research to find out how many other spectacular sights you could see!


Italy is a country many of us want to visit. But, have you ever thought about where in Italy you would go if you got the chance? While any Italian destination is sure to open your eyes to a new way of life, there are two cities worth a mention. First, we have to talk about Venice. If it’s life-changing destinations you’re after, Venice is the one. The way of life in this amazing city is so different to what you’re used to; it’s a must-see. Where else in the world are the roads made of water? That’s right. Venice is a city with a throughway of canals. No cars pollute this destination. The peaceful atmosphere and gentle way of life makes this the perfect destination for a romantic getaway. Nothing beats a gondola trip with a loved one! Then, we come to Rome. This country is eye opening because of the vast history all around. A trip here is like stepping into a history book. During your stay, make sure to take time so see the many Roman ruins. These include the magnificent Colosseum. While you’re in Italy, you could take a trip to Pompeii, too. The ash from Mount Vesuvius froze the town in time. Don’t miss out on the chance to see the site!  


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