Travel Tips

  • February 19, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 5940

    Are You A Survivor? A Guide To Backpacking In The Outback

    What were the films that inspired you to become interested in survival when you were younger? One of them might have been Crocodile Dundee, where Aussie, Mick Dundee, showed us what life was like in the outback. It was thought provoking...

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  • February 17, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 3474

    Top Places to Visit For Their History

    There are many different reasons that we love to travel, and many different occasions for doing so. A lot of the time, our travel options depend on the time of year we are going, as well as the company we are keeping. For this reason, no...

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  • February 17, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 2773

    UK Travel Advice for Disabled Explorers

    In many ways the UK is one of the best countries for disabled people when compared to a lot of other nations, despite the recent welfare reforms that have gathered a lot of negative press. In the last 20 or more years anti-discrimination...

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  • February 15, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 3230

    Planning for Long-Term Travel: What you need to know

    There’s plenty of reasons to go travelling for a long time; not only can you finally get away from the daily grind you get to experience a wealth of different and often life-changing sights and sounds. The practicalities of this though...

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  • February 11, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 3159

    Important Tips For Emmigration

    Travelling for the sake of it broadens the limits of anyone’s experience. You might know all about this, having travelled a fair amount. So what if the occasional trip just isn’t doing it for you anymore? You may have considered living...

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  • January 28, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 5512

    Effective Ways to Save Money On Your Vacation

    There’s no getting around it; vacations are expensive. Not only do we have to save all year round in order to jet off to a warmer climate, but we need spending money when we get there, too. All in all, it tots up to become just about...

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  • January 24, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 4062

    Why is winter the Best Time to Visit Dubai?

    Glitzy Dubai with its sunshine, shopping and futuristic skyline has always been a hot favorite of tourists across the world. The city hosts more than 12 million tourists every year and has something interesting and fresh for its regular...

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  • January 15, 2016 • Travel Tips • Views: 3418

    3 European Countries and Their Amazing Foods

    Oh, Europe! Your old-school elegance, your ever-lasting freshness, your diversity and your love for everything beautiful! Travelling to Europe can be an absolutely unforgettable experience, regardless of where in the Old World you may...

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  • December 15, 2015 • Travel Tips • Views: 3797

    5 Things You Have To Do Before A European Holiday

    There are plenty of reasons I would recommend a visit to the European continent – no matter how small your budget. But, there are also a few things to remember before you leave. When Europe is on your doorstep, it can sometimes be...

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  • November 20, 2015 • Travel Tips • Views: 4313

    5 Unusual and Unmissable Moscow Sights

    The Russian capital Moscow is no longer the mysterious, forbidding, and remote city of the Cold War years. Since the fall of the USSR, the city has become progressively more westernised and is now a popular and relatively accessible...

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